AI that sounds like you, powered by us

The world’s leading AI engine trained with your learning content and approach to give your customers limitless access to your knowledge right in their chat tools.

Your content is collecting dust

Learners don't want more pdf worksheets, slides, and videos. They need personalized, in-the-flow of work, help that guides them on their development journey.

Very few finish online courses

Less than 10% of people finish online courses. It's tough to make static content engaging.

Content alone doesn't sell

With all the content on the internet, it can feel impossible to stand out, let alone make a sale.

Live training doesn't scale

If it's not selling content, it's live training. Trading time for money can only take you so far.
AI-Assisted Learning

Be there for your people anytime, anywhere

We can’t clone you, but we have the next best option. A world-class AI-engine trained to assist your learners built upon your content, approach, and tone. Integrate directly into their work tools like Slack and Teams
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Easy as 1,2,3

In three steps, we’ll have you set-up with an AI-assistant that is tailored to your content and tone. This is a bring your own content (BYOC) party and we’ll bring the machine-learning expertise to get you set-up

Teach AI your content

We convert your learning material and any other text into a format readable by the AI

Fine tune for accuracy

We run hundreds of tests to fine-tune the parameters to ensure for the correct tone and message.

Roll out and evaluate

Embedding the AI into your work tools and your clients existing chat tools like slack and teams.

Hands-on support, every step of the way

We understand that getting started with a new AI project can be intimidating. We're there to support you every step of the way with our white-glove service.
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A better client experience starts here

No more searching through documents, videos, PDF's to find the right answer. Just give them a way to chat their way to every answer they need.
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Save time with automation

Integrate your AI with your existing tools. Want a slack notification every time you get a response, no problem. Want to integrate Stripe and collect payments to access your AI chat? No problemo.
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Here for all of your workflows

Once trained, your AI assistant can help you with anything you can throw at it.

AI Tutor

Give your learners access to an always-on tutor that can give support and guidance.


Clients can get feedback on their responses if you upload a rubric in your material

Student Support

Stop answering the same admin questions over and over, pass it on to an AI chatbot.

Client Onboarding

An AI chatbot can get your clients and learners onboarded faster and more efficiently.


Automatically create quizzes based on your learning material and store learner scores.

Content Search

Save time with a conversational way to find the right resource at the right time.

Ready to train clients, while you sleep?

We are accepting people into our private beta in rolling basis. Apply now to get into the queue.
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